Home of the Trumbull, CT EFCA Bible Quiz Team.

The Trumbull Bible Quiz Team has ended. Thank you for 30 years of happy Bible Quizzing.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Challenging Bible Verses

There are those who claim the Bible is easy to understand, but as Bible Quizzers we know that God does not "dumb it down" when speaking to his people. Jesus gave us many parables to help us understand, but he also spoke that way to challenge people and force them to ask for help. One newspaper recently contacted local pastors and asked for the verses that challenged them the most. You might be surprised to see how even those in the ministry are continually wrestling with God's word.
THE VERSE: Job 38:1-2, in which God responds to Job's question about why he has been allowed to suffer: "Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said: 'Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?'" (English Standard Version)

WHY HE CHOSE IT: "I'm challenged by God's answer to Job. God nowhere gives a reason for Job's loss, a loss which is unimaginable (Job lost the children he obviously loved and on top of that his health, wealth and good name).

"God's answer to this loss is that he is bigger than Job could ever know or understand. God simply says he knows best."
So don't be discouraged if you find yourself working hard to understand some parts of scripture. Even the "pros" have to work at it.