Home of the Trumbull, CT EFCA Bible Quiz Team.

The Trumbull Bible Quiz Team has ended. Thank you for 30 years of happy Bible Quizzing.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Midwinter Quiz Details

MIdwinter Quiz 2007 Midwinter Quiz is a week from tomorrow (January 24). It is amazing how quickly this year has gone. This year's quiz will be a bit different this year, as we are not staying overnight. Midwinter is being help at Montgommery EFC in Belle Mead, NJ, so we will be driving up and back the same day. Here are the details.

Driving Schedule:
- 6:00 AM: Leave Calvary Church parking lot (yes, we know it is early, feel free to bring pillows to snooze in the vans)
- 8:30 AM: Arrive at Montgommery
- 6:00 PM: Dinner at fast food
- 8:00 PM: Return to Calvary Church

Yearly Quizzing Fee: $15 (This also covers lunch at Midwinter and Districts)
Gas: $5
Dinner: $5 - $10 (We're stopping at fast-food. Something like Wendy's or Burger King)

Total Cost: about $30

Must-Bring Items:
- Quiz Team T-shirt or Hoodie (Or comparable blue shirt. Coach Mark will have shirts to purchase on Wednesday, $13 t-shirt, $21 hoodie first-come, first served)
- Jeans (No shorts, please)
- Shoes (No sandals please)

Recommended Items:
- Scripture portion or Pocket bible for study
- Question lists for study
- Warm clothes (It is MidWINTER and there may be outside activities)

Please come to next Wednesday's quiz practice ready to RSVP for this event. If you are not coming to practice, please e-mail or call Coach Jim.