Home of the Trumbull, CT EFCA Bible Quiz Team.

The Trumbull Bible Quiz Team has ended. Thank you for 30 years of happy Bible Quizzing.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

World Bible Quiz crowns a new Champion

It isn't our brand of quizzing, but Israel has awarded the championship for its World Bible Quiz to Shmuel Halpert. The World Bible Quiz is held each year to "encourage a development of the Jewish identity".
Sixty-five Israeli youngsters, aged 14-18, were among the contestants. Forty others were from various Diaspora countries, including Belgium, Uzbekistan, Austria, Ukraine, Brazil, Germany, Panama, Venezuela, Bulgaria, and others...Segments of the contest were devoted to short films depicting the songs of the late Naomi Shemer, one of Israel’s greatest national songwriters. She is best known for her ballad “Jerusalem of Gold," written just before the outbreak of the Six Day War. The films displayed images of disadvantaged Israelis struggling to overcome their disabilities...Competition was particularly fierce this year, with three Israeli youth making it into the finals.
I doubt they will be studying the Gospel of Matthew or Paul's Epistle to the Romans any time soon for this competition.