QUESTIONL I am a potential quizzer or the parent of one, and want to come to tomorrow's Quizzing Introduction. What do I need to bring?
ANSWER: Nothing! Just bring yourself and any friends who are interested in joining for the 2007-2008 season.
QUESTION: Do my parents need to be members of Calvary Church?
ANSWER: No. Most quizzers either are themselves or have parents who are regular attenders. But it is not a requirement.
QUESTION: Do I need to attend Revolution and other Youth Group acivities to join Quiz Team?
ANSWER: No. But Quiz Team rarely competes with Youth Group for your time. You are welcome to do either or both.
QUESTION: If I or my parents attend tomorrow, am I committed for the year?
ANSWER: No. We hope you'll consider quizzing, but there is no commitment for showing up.
QUESTION: What age do I have to be to attend?
ANSWER: Potential quizzers must be entering the 7th grade in September 2007. Parents or guardians of any age are welcome.