If someone contacts me (either a sponsor or the quizzer), he can take it whenever we are offering it. Currently it looks like we will offer it during registration - which might be more difficult if a group aren't taking it then. I will be at a table outside of the rally the first couple days, so [the teens] can touch base with me then.Sorry for any confusion.
I think that the other options for Bible Knowledge will be late afternoon after quizzing is over on Tuesday and/or Wednesday from 1:30 until suppertime in Stewart - Room 322. (If we end up doing double elimination, which people are voting on now, we might have it most of Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 on.)
Friday, June 23, 2006
Nationals Oops!
I said yesterday that any quizzer going to Nationals who wants to do the Bible Knowledge Test had to alert the coaches, so we could sign you up. Turns out I had misread the e-mail we got. We received a correction yesterday.