I. Prologue (1:1-4)
II. The Infancy of the Son of Man (1:5–2:52)
A. Two Pregnancies predicted (1:5-56)
1. The Prediction of John’s Birth (1:5-25)
a. The Setting (1:5-10)
b. The Announcement of the Angel (1:11-17)
c. The Doubt of Zechariah (1:18-22)
d. The Response of Elizabeth (1:23-25)
2. The Prediction of Jesus’ Birth (1:26-38)
a. The Setting (1:26-28)
b. The Announcement of the Angel (1:29-33)
c. The Doubt of Mary (1:34-37)
d. The Response of Mary (1:38)
3. The Visit of Mary with Elizabeth (1:39-56)
a. The Setting (1:39-41)
b. Elizabeth’s Blessing (1:42-45)
c. Mary’s Song (1:46-55)
d. Summary (1:56)
B. Two Sons Born (1:57–2:52)
1. The Birth and Infancy of John (1:57-80)
a. The Birth of John (1:57-58)
b. The Circumcision and Maturation of John (1:59-80)
1) The Circumcision (1:59-66)
2) Zechariah’s Song (1:67-79)
3) The Growth of John (1:80)
2. The Birth and Infancy of Jesus (2:1-52)
a. The Birth of Jesus (2:1-20)
1) The Historical Setting (2:1-3)
2) The Birth in Bethlehem (2:4-7)
3) The Witnesses of the Birth (2:8-20)
a) The Announcement by Angels (2:8-14)
b) The Visit by Shepherds (2:15-20)
b. The Circumcision and Maturation of Jesus (2:21-52)
1) The Circumcision (2:21-24)
2) Simeon’s Song and Anna’s Prophecy (2:25-38)
3) The Growth of Jesus (2:39-52)
a) Statement: Growth in Wisdom (2:39-40)
b) Example of Growth in Wisdom: The Boy Jesus at the Temple (2:41-50)
c) Statement: Growth in Wisdom and Stature (2:51-52)
III. The Preparation of the Son of Man for Public Ministry (3:1–4:13)
A. Preparation by John the Baptist (3:1-20)
1. Setting (3:1-6)
a. Historical (3:1-3)
b. Prophetic (3:4-6)
2. The Preaching of John (3:7-18)
3. The Imprisonment of John (3:19-20)
B. Preparation by Jesus’ Baptism (3:21-22)
C. Preparation by Jesus’ Pedigree (Genealogy) (3:23-38)
D. Preparation by Jesus’ Temptation (4:1-13)
IV. The Son of Man’s Galilean Ministry (4:14–9:50)
A. The New Base of Operations (4:14-44)
1. Rejection at Nazareth (4:14-30)
2. Reception at Capernaum (4:31-44)
a. In the Synagogue (4:31-37)
b. At Simon’s House (4:38-41)
c. In a Solitary Place (4:42-44)
B. The Authentication of Jesus’ Ministry (5:1–6:16)
1. The Calling of the First Disciples (5:1-11)
2. The Healing of a Leper (5:12-16)
3. Confrontations with the Pharisees (5:17–6:16)
a. The Healing of a Paralytic (5:17-26)
b. The Calling of a Tax Collector (5:27-32)
c. Questions about Fasting (5:33-39)
d. Jesus’ Authority over the Sabbath (6:1-11)
1) Plucking Grain (6:1-5)
2) Healing a Man’s Hand (6:6-11)
4. The Election of the Twelve Disciples (6:12-16)
C. The Principles of Jesus’ Ministry: The Sermon on the Plain (6:17-49)
1. Blessings and Woes (6:17-26)
2. Love for Enemies (6:27-36)
3. Judging Others (6:37-42)
4. Two Kinds of Trees (6:43-45)
5. Two Kinds of Builders (6:46-49)
D. The Scope and Nature of Jesus’ Ministry (7:1–8:18)
1. A Centurion’s Faith (7:1-10)
2. A Widow’s Son is Raised in Nain (7:11-17)
3. Jesus’ Commendation of John (7:18-35)
a. The Doubts by John (7:18-23)
b. The Commendation by Jesus (7:24-30)
c. The Capriciousness of the Multitudes (7:31-35)
4. Anointed by a Sinful Woman (7:36-50)
5. The Women who Helped Jesus’ Ministry (8:1-3)
6. Parable of the Sower (8:4-15)
7. Parable of Lamp (8:16-18)
E. The Identity of Jesus Progressively Revealed (8:19–9:50)
1. Jesus’ True Mother and Brothers (8:19-21)
2. Calming of the Storm (8:22-25)
3. Healing of a Demoniac (8:26-39)
4. A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman (8:40-56)
5. The Sending of the Twelve (9:1-9)
6. Feeding the Five Thousand (9:10-17)
7. Peter’s Confession (9:18-27)
8. The Transfiguration (9:28-36)
9. Healing a Demon-Possessed Boy (9:37-45)
10. Greatest in the Kingdom (9:46-50)
V. The Son of Man’s Journey to Jerusalem (9:51–19:27)
A. Instruction in Discipleship in the Light of Jesus’ Mission (9:51–11:13)
1. Summary: Jesus’ Resolve to go to Jerusalem (9:51)
2. Samaritan Opposition (9:52-56)
3. The Cost of Discipleship (9:57-62)
4. The Sending of the Seventy-Two (10:1-24)
a. Jesus’ Message on Departure (10:1-16)
b. The Disciples’ Joy on Return (10:17)
c. Jesus’ Response on their Return (10:18-24)
1) To the Disciples: On Rejoicing (10:18-20)
2) To the Father (10:21-22)
3) To the Disciples: On Blessing (10:23-24)
5. The Parable of the Good Samaritan (10:25-37)
6. Martha’s and Mary’s Responses (10:38-42)
7. Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer (11:1-13)
a. The Lord’s Prayer (11:1-4)
b. Persistence in Prayer (11:5-13)
1) The Response of a Friend (11:5-10)
2) The Goodness of God (11:6-13)
B. Confrontation with the Pharisees: First Cycle (11:14-54)
1. Jesus and Beelzebub (11:14-28)
2. The Sign of Jonah (11:29-32)
3. Parable: The Lamp of the Body (11:33-36)
4. Six Woes (11:37-52)
5. The Plot of the Pharisees (11:53-54)
C. Instructions in Discipleship in the Light of the Religious Leaders’ Rejection (12:1–13:35)
1. A Sermon on the Attitude of a Disciple: In the Light of Coming Judgment (12:1–13:9)
a. Setting (12:1a)
b. Leaven of the Pharisees (12:1b)
c. Fearless Confession in Light of God’s Sovereignty (12:2-12)
d. Attitude toward Riches (12:13-34)
1) Parable of the Rich Fool (12:13-21)
2) Worry and Treasures (12:22-34)
e. Vigilance and Watchfulness (12:35-48)
f. Not Peace but Division (12:49-53)
g. The Signs of the Times (12:54-56)
h. Agreement with your Opponent (12:57-59)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
An Outline of Luke 1-12
As you are finishing up your review of Luke 1-12, consider memorizing this outline of the book. It may help you to remember where you are when you hear a question, by keeping context always foremost in your thoughts. From Bible.Org.