Q: According to Philippians 4:3, I ask you what?
A: Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel
R: Philippians 4:3 (C/R Eph 3:13)
Q: According to Philippians 4:4, I say what?
A: Rejoice!
R: Philippians 4:4 (C/R see Gal 1:9)
Q: According to Philippians 4:6, do not be what?
A: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
R: Philippians 4:6 (C/R see Gal 6:7)
Q: According to Philippians 4:10, I rejoice why?
A: I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me.
R: Philippians 4:10 (C/R see Phil 1:18)
Q: According to Philippians 4:11, I have learned what?
A: I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
R: Philippians 4:11 (C/R Phil 4:12)
Q: According to Philippians 4:12, I have learned what?
A: I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
R: Philippians 4:12 (C/R Phil 4:11)
Q: According to Philippians 4:12, I know what?
A: I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
R: Philippians 4:12 (C/R see Phil 1:19)
Q: According to Philippians 4:16, you sent what?
A: Aid again and again when I was in need.
R: Philippians 4:16 (C/R see Phil 2:25)
Q: According to Philippians 4:18, you sent what?
A: The gifts
R: Philippians 4:18 (C/R see Phil 2:25)
Q: According to Philippians 4:21, who send greetings?
A: The brothers who are with me
R: Philippians 4:21 (C/R Phil 4:22, Col 4:14)
Q: According to Philippians 4:22, who send greetings?
A: All the saints, especially those who belong to Caesar's household
R: Philippians 4:22 (C/R see Phil 4:21)