Spiritual Side: Parents should take the PG-13 of this film very seriously. Star Wars films have always been full of violence, but the fighting has always been clean. Even the deaths were typically clean and non-traumatic for viewers. Not so this time around. War is shown to be horrible. We see the deaths of Jedi after Jedi, we see one bad guy go up in flames, and we see Anakin slowly burned alive by molten lava. And of course, this is a film about betrayal, moral confusion, and ultimately vengence on a galactic scale. Good and evil are shown in stark terms here, but one of the key moments is seeing the hero's fall from grace.
The Bottom Line: This is a very good film. It is not a great film, not even the best of the Star Wars series. But it is a fun ride and a powerful retelling of ancient myth in a futuristic setting. If you enjoyed any of the past Star Wars movies, you will enjoy this one. If you have not enjoyed any of the past Star Wars films... well... what is wrong with you?!